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How to Become a Teacher Without an 教育 Degree


It’s not surprising, because being a teacher comes with many benefits. 对于那些希望自己的时间表与孩子的时间表保持一致的父母来说,这个时间表是理想的. The environment is engaging and no two days are the same. 也许是最大的好处, 作为一名教师,你有机会用你的技能来激励后代.

If you aspire to be a teacher and didn’t get a degree in education, you may wonder if you can qualify to become a teacher. 让mg不朽情缘游戏网址一探究竟吧.

What Are The Standard Requirements To Become A Teacher?

Standards for teachers are higher than ever. 所有的州都要求教师持有在公立学校任教的执照. 学士学位也被认为是全国K-12学校全职教师的最低要求. 

From there, the requirements for getting a license vary state by state. 在决定你需要什么学位或执照之前,了解你计划任教的州的具体要求是很重要的.




Do You Need a 学士 in 教育 to Become a Licensed Teacher? Alternative Routes to Becoming a Teacher

If you don’t have a bachelor’s degree in education, don’t worry. 对于那些在不同领域获得学士学位的人来说,成为一名教师有不同的途径.

如果你有学士学位,有两种常见的选择来满足获得教师执照的教育要求, 但不是在教育领域.

  • The first option is post-baccalaureate teacher licensure programs. 实际上,美国的每个州都提供替代教师认证项目,以帮助拥有其他学科学士学位的准教师. 这些认证课程不是学位,可以比教育学士学位更快地完成. You’ll use the knowledge and experience you’ve already gained, while filling the gaps you need to meet licensure requirements. 
  • The second option is getting your master’s degree in education. 教育硕士学位将为你提供满足执照要求所需的教学知识. 然而, if you don’t have any in-classroom experience, a master’s degree can sometimes make it more difficult to find a job. 学校通常被要求向拥有硕士学位的教师支付更高的薪水. 由于预算限制,他们会青睐简历相似的学士学位候选人.

如果你在考虑这两条路, 在获得硕士学位之前,在学校系统中找到一份工作是有益的. Many school districts will reimburse teachers who seek a master's degree, so getting your post-baccalaureate first may pay off in the long run. 


  • 按照您的进度和时间表完成申请执照所需的课程.
  • Gain pedagogical knowledge specific to the grade level you want to teach.
  • 使用作为学士学位的一部分完成的内容课程来满足专业(如数学)的内容要求, 英语语言艺术, 科学或社会研究.
  • 制定一个个性化的学习计划,简化你的课程,这样你就只完成了满足要求的必要内容.
  • 用面对面的课堂体验来补充你的在线学习,这将有助于你为找到一份教师的工作做准备.

If you’re ready to pursue a direct path to becoming a teacher, applying for a post-baccalaureate program is simple. 通常,你只需要:

  • A completed bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited university
  • Official transcripts from any college where you completed credit hours
  • 一份完整的本科申请,申请到你计划获得证书的大学

Can I Get a Job in 教育 Without An 教育 Degree?

如果你有副学士学位或者想在获得执照之前迈出第一步, 你可以追求机会.


  • 教学助理: Teaching assistants work in a classroom supporting a lead teacher. Most often, you can become a teaching assistant with an associate’s degree. 在一些特许学校或私立学校,你可能只需要有高中文凭. Most teaching assistants will need certification, which varies by state.
  • 幼儿园老师: 学前教育项目和公立学校要求他们的学前教师至少拥有副学士学位. Private preschool teachers may only need sufficient experience.
  • 特殊教育辅助专业人员: 这些专业人士与有特殊需要或残疾的学生一对一地工作. 准专业人士通常可以在没有四年大学学位的情况下进入该领域, but it helps to have completed some college courses or an associate degree.
  • 代课老师: Substitute teachers are typically required to have a bachelor’s degree. 然而, an education degree isn’t necessary for some positions. Individuals who have a postsecondary degree in a specific subject area, 比如数学或英语, 是否可以申请替代执照并在指定的科目领域无限制地教学.
  • 私立或教会学校的教师: 在一些州, 私立学校和教会学校可以制定自己的教师要求政策. A related subject area degree may be sufficient and a license may not be required. 

Even though there are options that require less education or training, it’s in your best interest to pursue a degree or teacher training and licensure. It will improve your competitiveness in the job market, increase your salary expectations and ensure a long-term career in teaching. 


It’s never too late to become a teacher. 你只需要找到合适的课程来满足获得教师执照的要求.

mg不朽情缘游戏网址 offers multiple paths to becoming a teacher. 

If you have an associate degree, Franklin offers 在线教育学士学位 that gives you the skills to become a teacher. 在mg不朽情缘试玩, 你之前的学分让你在你的专业领域的课程,并在你的第一个学期现场的学校. 在线课程让你可以灵活地按照自己的时间表完成学业, 而mg不朽情缘游戏网址的低学时成本和免费书籍将你的教育成本降到最低. 

If you have a bachelor’s degree, Franklin’s online Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Licensure 程序s can help you fast-track your path to becoming a teacher. 这些课程可以让你为从学前班到高中的任何水平的教学做好准备. +, 你可以利用你在学士课程中已经完成的课程来满足内容专业化的要求. 

看看mg不朽情缘试玩的其他方式 personalized post-baccalaureate teacher licensure program can help you reach your goals of becoming a teacher.

Finding the Right In-Demand 教育 Career